Early Modern Civilizations

Qing Empire (1644 – 1912)

The last of the great Chinese dynasties.

Tokugawa Japan (1603 – 1867)

A case-study in isolationist politics.

British Empire (1583 – 1997)

The biggest empire the world has ever seen.

Safavid Empire (1501 – 1736)

A Middle Eastern empire that spanned much of Iran and beyond.

Songhai Empire (1464 – 1591)

A powerful West African people.

Aztec Empire (1300 – 1521)

The union of three city-states that dominated early modern Mesoamerica.

Mughal Empire (1526 – 1857)

A Persian people who came to dominate the Indian subcontinent.

Incan Empire (1438 – 1533)

A South American power that stretched from Ecuador to Southern Chile.

Ottoman Empire (1299 – 1922)

The great power in Asia Minor.

Spanish Empire (1492 – 1976)

The great Catholic empire that spanned the world.