
The study of landforms, and the processes that shape them over time.

Moraines, erratics, and striations
Waves, tides, and longshore currents
Hyperspectral imagery
Informing flood mitigation strategies

What is Geomorphology?

Geomorphology is the scientific study of Earth’s surface features and the processes that shape them. It encompasses the investigation of topographic features, such as mountains and valleys, as well as bathymetric features, which are underwater landforms like ocean trenches and seamounts. Geomorphologists seek to answer questions about the origin, evolution, and future development of these features, as well as the forces that drive their formation and change.

The field of geomorphology is inherently interdisciplinary, drawing on knowledge from geodesy, archeology, climatology, physical geography, and engineering geology. This broad nature allows geomorphologists to study the complex interactions between Earth’s surface and the various processes that influence its development. By understanding these interactions, scientists can better predict and manage the impacts of natural and human-induced changes on the landscape.


Geomorphology is essential for understanding the history of Earth’s surface and the forces that have shaped it over time. This knowledge can help us predict future changes and inform decisions about land use, resource management, and hazard mitigation. Additionally, the study of geomorphology can provide valuable insights into the past and present environments of other planets, as well as the potential for life beyond Earth.

Weathering and Erosion

Weathering and erosion are fundamental processes that shape Earth’s surface. Weathering is the breakdown of rocks and minerals at or near the Earth’s surface through chemical and mechanical processes. Chemical weathering involves the alteration of rock-forming minerals through reactions with water, acids, salts, and other substances. Mechanical weathering, on the other hand, is the physical disintegration of rocks due to factors such as changes in temperature, freeze-thaw cycles, and the actions of plants and animals.


Erosion is the removal of weathered material from its original location, often through the action of water, wind, ice, or gravity. Together, weathering and erosion have shaped some of Earth’s most iconic landscapes, such as the Grand Canyon, which stretches 446 kilometers long, up to 29 kilometers wide, and up to 1.6 kilometers deep.

Weathering plays a critical role in soil formation, as it breaks down parent material into smaller particles that can be mixed with organic matter to create fertile soil. This process has a significant impact on the landscape, influencing the distribution of plant and animal life, as well as human agriculture and settlement patterns.

Fluvial Processes

Fluvial processes are the actions of rivers and streams in shaping landscapes and forming landforms. These processes involve the movement of water and sediment, which can erode, transport, and deposit materials to create a variety of features, such as alluvial plains, floodplains, and deltas. The speed at which water travels plays a significant role in determining the amount and type of sediment that can be transported and deposited.


Alluvium is the sediment carried by rivers and streams, and an alluvial plain is a flat, fertile area formed by the deposition of alluvium. Deltas are landforms created by the deposition of sediment at the mouth of a river. The amount of sediment carried by rivers can be staggering; for example, the Mississippi River is estimated to transport 406 million tons of sediment to the sea every year.

Fluvial processes play a crucial role in shaping Earth’s surface, as they can create fertile agricultural lands, provide habitats for diverse ecosystems, and influence human settlement patterns. Additionally, the study of fluvial processes can help us better understand and manage the impacts of flooding, sedimentation, and river channel changes on the landscape and human infrastructure.

Glacial Processes

Glacial processes involve the impact of glaciers on Earth’s surface and the formation of glacial landforms. A glacier is a large, slow-moving mass of ice that forms on land due to the accumulation and compaction of snow. At the Last Glacial Maximum around 20,000 years ago, glaciers covered approximately 25% of Earth’s land area. Today, glaciers cover about 10% of Earth’s land area.

Glaciers can shape landscapes through the carving of rock and the transportation of sediments and material. As they move, glaciers erode the underlying bedrock and transport the eroded material, creating distinctive landforms in the process.


Some examples of glacial landforms include moraines, which are accumulations of rock and debris deposited by glaciers; erratics, which are large boulders transported and deposited by glaciers; and striations, which are grooves or scratches in bedrock caused by the movement of glaciers.

The study of glacial processes and landforms provides valuable insights into Earth’s climatic history and the forces that have shaped its surface. As climate change continues to impact the world’s glaciers, understanding these processes becomes increasingly important for predicting and managing the consequences of glacial retreat and the associated changes in sea level, water resources, and ecosystems.

Coastal Processes

Coastal processes involve the actions that shape coastal landscapes and landforms, including erosion, weathering, transportation, and deposition. These processes are influenced by factors such as waves, tides, and longshore currents, which interact with the coastline to create a variety of features.

Erosional coastal landscape features include sea cliffs, sea arches, and sea stacks such as the 12 Apostles off the Australian Coast, and the Old Man of Hoy off the coast of Scotland. These features are formed through the action of waves and other coastal processes that remove material from the shoreline. Depositional coastal landscape features, on the other hand, include deltas, beaches, and coastal dunes, which are formed through the accumulation of sediment along the coast.


Understanding coastal processes is essential for managing and preserving coastal environments, as well as for predicting and mitigating the impacts of sea-level rise, coastal erosion, and other hazards associated with climate change. As we continue to study and appreciate the dynamic nature of Earth’s coastlines, coastal processes will remain a vital component of geomorphology and our understanding of the planet’s surface.

Aeolian Processes

Aeolian processes involve the role of wind in shaping landscapes and landforms. The influence of these processes can be seen most clearly in the landscapes of the desert. Wind can move particles in various ways, including dragging them along the ground and lifting them upward into the air. The movement of particles by wind can be described as deposition, saltation, or suspension, depending on the specific manner in which the particles are transported.


Depositional aeolian features include sand dunes, desert pavements, and desert varnish, which form through the accumulation of wind-blown sediment. Erosional aeolian features, on the other hand, include deflation basins and mushroom rocks, which are shaped by the removal of material by wind. Understanding these processes and their resulting landforms is essential for studying and managing desert environments, as well as for predicting the impacts of climate change on these fragile ecosystems.

Volcanic Landforms

Volcanic landforms are the result of the formation and activity of volcanoes on Earth’s surface. There are thought to be around 1,350 potentially active volcanoes globally, which are defined by their potential for future eruptions. Volcanic systems include land volcanoes, submarine volcanoes, and subglacial volcanoes, each with unique characteristics and impacts on the landscape.

Lava flows and volcanic eruptions shape landscapes through the deposition of molten rock and the release of gases and ash. The chemical composition of lava and the conditions under which it erupts has a major influence on the resulting landforms.


Volcanic landforms are truly diverse. They include steep cone-shaped stratovolcanoes such as Mount Fuji, dome-shaped shield volcanoes and large depressions known as calderas. Beyond these and other landforms, geysers and hotsprings are further manifestations of volcanic forces.

The study of volcanic landforms provides valuable insights into Earth’s geologic history and the forces that have shaped its surface. Understanding these processes is essential for predicting and managing the impacts of volcanic eruptions on human populations, ecosystems, and the global climate.

Tectonic Landforms

Tectonic landforms result from the impact of tectonic processes on Earth’s surface. Tectonic processes can occur at divergent boundaries, where tectonic plates are moving apart from each other. New oceanic crust can be created in these locations, resulting in seafloor spreading as seen at the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. At convergent boundaries, two tectonic plates move toward each other.

This can cause the edges of one or both plates to buckle upward, forming mountains, or to bend down, forming a trench. At transform fault boundaries, plates slide alongside each other, as seen in the boundary between the Pacific Plate and the North American Plate.


Plate tectonic activity can lead to mountain building, a process known as orogenesis, which results in the formation of various types of mountains, such as the Himalayas and the Appalachian Mountains.

Crustal uplift is another tectonic process that can shape Earth’s surface, causing the elevation of landforms and influencing the development of landscapes. Understanding these processes is essential for studying Earth’s geologic history, predicting and managing the impacts of earthquakes and volcanic activity, and informing decisions about land use and resource management.

Remote Sensing in Geomorphology

Remote sensing techniques are used to study Earth’s surface features from a distance, often through the use of satellite technology. Tools like Google Earth allow scientists to gather geomorphological data and observe changes in the landscape over time. Hyperspectral imagery, which captures information across a wide range of wavelengths, can provide additional insights into differences in geomorphology, such as the presence of specific minerals in rock formations.


Remote sensing is essential for assessing large areas and monitoring changes in the landscape, particularly in remote or inaccessible regions. This technology has revolutionized the field of geomorphology, enabling scientists to study Earth’s surface in unprecedented detail and at a global scale.

As we continue to develop and refine remote sensing techniques, their applications in geomorphology will undoubtedly expand, providing new insights into the processes that shape our planet and the ways in which we can manage and protect its diverse landscapes.

Geomorphology and Society

Geomorphology has significant implications for human civilization and the environment. One important aspect of geomorphology is its role in preparing for hazards such as flooding events, which can have devastating consequences for communities and ecosystems. Understanding the processes that shape floodplains and river systems, for example, can help inform flood mitigation strategies and protect vulnerable populations.


Human activities also have an impact on geomorphology, particularly in terms of air pollution and weathering, as well as the alteration of coastal landscapes through development and resource extraction. Climate change, driven in part by human activities, has significant implications for geomorphology, as it influences processes such as glacial retreat, sea-level rise, and desertification.

As we continue to study and appreciate the complex interactions between Earth’s surface processes and human society, geomorphology will play a crucial role in informing our decisions about land use, resource management, and environmental protection. By understanding the forces that shape our world, we can work together to create a more sustainable and resilient future for both our planet and its inhabitants.

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