Light and Optics

Keeping things light.

Less scattering
Angle of refraction
The pupil
Circular dichroism spectroscopy

The nature of light

Light is a form of energy that can be seen by the human eye. It is part of the electromagnetic spectrum, which includes radio waves, microwaves, infrared radiation, visible light, ultraviolet radiation, X-rays and gamma rays.

Light has both wave-like and particle-like properties. It can behave either as a wave or as particles called photons, depending on the circumstances. Photons are massless particles that carry energy in discrete packets proportional to their frequency and wavelength.


The visible portion of the electromagnetic spectrum consists of wavelengths between 400 nanometers (violet) and 700 nanometers (red). This range corresponds to frequencies between 800 terahertz (THz) and 400THz – The human eye is sensitive enough to detect single photons within this range. Our perception of color depends on the energy levels of photons reaching our eyes, and the wavelengths they correspond to. The light that we perceive as white contains multiple frequencies across the entire visible spectrum.

Properties of light

Light is a wave, and as such it has certain properties that are unique to waves – including amplitude, wavelength, frequency and speed. Unlike mechanical waves, light waves can travel in a vacuum. The speed of light in a vacuum is one of the most fundamental constants in nature. As far as we know, nothing can travel faster than the speed of light: which travels in a vacuum at 299 792 458 meters per second. This means that light travels around the world seven times faster than sound!


The amount of electromagnetic power radiated by an object is described as its luminosity. The luminous intensity of light is the quantity of light emitted per unit time and per unit solid angle – essentially this measures the light received from a source within a particular area. Light also has a propagation direction which determines where it will travel when emitted from a source.

Reflection of light

Reflection of light is the bouncing back of light rays when they hit a surface. The angle at which the approaching light ray hits the reflecting surface is known as the angle of incidence, and this determines how much of the light will be reflected. The angle between the reflected ray and a line perpendicular to the reflecting surface (known as normal) is called angle of reflection.

Specular reflection occurs when all incident rays are reflected in one direction, creating an image that appears to come from a single point source – like a mirror or polished metal surfaces. Diffuse reflection occurs when incident rays are scattered in many directions, resulting in no clear image being formed – like on matte surfaces such as paper or cloth.

Light reflects off objects differently depending on their texture; for example, smooth surfaces reflect more than rough ones due to less scattering occurring at each point along its path. Additionally, certain materials have special properties that allow them to selectively absorb certain wavelengths while reflecting others – these materials are used in optical filters for cameras and telescopes alike.


Refraction of light

Refraction of light is the bending of light as it passes from one medium to another, such as air to water. The angle at which the incident ray enters a new medium is known as the angle of incidence, and this determines how much refraction will occur. The angle between the refracted ray and a line perpendicular to the surface (known as normal) is called angle of refraction. Refractive index measures how much a material bends light; different materials have different indexes, with glass having an index around 1.5 times that of air.

Light refraction can be seen in everyday life – rainbows are created when sunlight passes through raindrops and gets bent by their curved surfaces, while magnifying glasses use lenses to bend incoming rays so they converge on a single point for magnification purposes. The power of refraction is also used in eyeglasses to correct vision.


Lenses and mirrors

Lenses and mirrors are two of the most important tools in optics, allowing us to manipulate light for a variety of purposes. Lenses are curved pieces of glass or plastic that bend incoming light rays, while mirrors are flat surfaces that reflect them. Flat lenses have no curvature and do not usually refract light.

Convex lenses curve outward and cause parallel rays to converge at a single point known as the focal point. Concave lenses curve inward and cause diverging rays to meet at the focal point. Mirrors can also be either flat or curved – concave mirrors focus incident light onto one spot , while convex mirrors spread out reflected light over a larger area.

These objects have many practical applications – telescopes use both lenses and mirrors to magnify distant objects; corrective eyeglasses use concavelenses to correct nearsightedness and convex lenses to correct farsightedness; microscopes use convex lenses for magnification; concave mirrors are used to focus laser beams;even our car headlights make use of parabolic reflectors! The possibilities with these tools seem endless – from helping us explore space more deeply than ever before, to aiding us in everyday life tasks such as driving safely at night!

The human eye

The human eye is an incredible organ, capable of processing visible light and allowing us to see the world around us. Light enters through the cornea, a transparent outer layer that helps focus incoming rays. The pupil acts as an aperture for light, and its size is adjusted by a muscle in the coloured iris to control how much light enters the eye. Once inside, light passes through a lens which further refracts it and focuses it onto the retina at the back of our eyes. Here, photoreceptors convert incoming light into electrical signals which are then sent to our brain via an optic nerve.

At this point in its journey, light has been focused onto one spot known as the focal point. This process allows us to distinguish between different colors and shades; each type of photoreceptor responds differently to different wavelengths of visible light – red-sensing cones detect red hues while blue-sensing cones detect blues and green-sensing cones detect greens! Amazingly enough, we can perceive up to a million distinct colors thanks to these specialized cells!


Color and light

The visible spectrum of light is composed of a range of different colors, each with its own unique wavelength. When white light passes through a prism, it is split into these individual colors – red has the longest wavelength and violet has the shortest. This phenomenon can be explained by refraction; when light enters a medium at an angle, it bends inwards due to the change in speed caused by the new material’s density. The amount of bending depends on the angle and color of incoming rays; shorter wavelengths bend more than longer ones, resulting in their separation into distinct bands!

Objects appear colored because they absorb some wavelengths while reflecting others back towards our eyes. For example, grass appears green because it absorbs all other colors except for green which is reflected back to us. Similarly, blue objects absorb all but blue wavelengths and reflect them instead – this explains why we see them as blue!


Interference and diffraction

Interference is the phenomenon of two or more waves overlapping and combining to form a new wave. When two waves are in phase, they combine constructively, resulting in an amplified wave with greater amplitude than either of the original waves.

This is known as constructive interference. Conversely, when two waves are out of phase they will cancel each other out and create a wave with lower amplitude than either of the originals; this is called destructive interference. Interference can be observed in many areas such as soundwaves bouncing off walls or light reflecting off surfaces like mirrors and lenses.


Diffraction occurs when light passes through small openings or around obstacles that are comparable to its wavelength size – it bends around them instead of passing straight through!

This bending effect causes light to spread out from its source, creating patterns on nearby surfaces such as sunlight tracing along the edge of a cloud.

Diffraction also affects how we perceive objects; if an object is smaller than half the wavelength of visible light then it is impossible to see clearly, even with the most powerful microscope, due to diffraction effects. This is known the diffraction barrier.


Polarization is the process of orienting light waves in a single direction. Unpolarized light consists of many different directions, while polarized light has all its waves aligned in one plane. This can be achieved by passing unpolarized light through a polarizing filter which only allows vibrations at a certain angle to pass through, resulting in polarized light.

Polarization is used for various applications such as reducing glare from surfaces like water or snow and improving visibility when driving on sunny days with polarized sunglasses. It also plays an important role in communication systems where it helps reduce interference from other signals and improves signal strength.

Additionally, polarization can be used to study the way certain molecules are orientated within systems. This technique is known as circular dichroism spectroscopy and is widely used in biochemistry research – particularly in studying the structure of proteins.


Spectra are the unique fingerprints of light sources, and can be used to identify them. Spectrometers measure spectra by splitting light into its component wavelengths, allowing us to analyze the light source or how it interacts with a sample. This is done using a prism or diffraction grating which separates different colors in the visible spectrum, as well as other types of radiation such as infrared and ultraviolet. By measuring how much energy is present at each wavelength we can create an emission or absorption spectrum that reveals information about the source’s temperature, chemical composition and motion.

For example, astronomers use spectroscopy to study stars by analyzing their spectral lines – dark lines in a star’s spectrum indicate elements like hydrogen or helium that are present in its atmosphere. Similarly, chemists use spectrometers to identify unknown substances based on their characteristic absorption patterns.

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