Newton’s Laws of Motion

Newton’s system for describing all kinds of motion.

The third law of motion
Normal force
Static and Kinetic
Elastic collision

Isaac Newton and his laws of motion

Isaac Newton was an English physicist and mathematician who lived in the 17th century. He is widely regarded as one of the most influential scientists of all time, having made world-changing discoveries in both mathematics and physics. His three laws of motion are fundamental to classical mechanics and form the basis for much of modern engineering.


The first law states that an object will remain at rest or move with a constant velocity unless acted upon by an external force. The second law states that acceleration is proportional to the net force acting on an object. Finally, Newton’s third law states that for every action there is always equal but opposite reaction – meaning when two objects interact they exert equal and opposite forces on each other.

These laws have been used to explain many phenomena such as why planets orbit around stars, how rockets work, and even why airplanes fly! They are also essential tools for engineers designing machines like cars or robots which must obey these laws in order to function properly. Isaac Newton’s three laws of motion provide us with powerful insights into how our universe works and their importance cannot be overstated!

The first law of motion

Newton’s first law of motion states that an object will remain at rest or move with a constant velocity unless acted upon by an external force. This means that if no forces act on an object, it will continue moving in a straight line at the same speed forever – this is known as inertia.


In everyday life, we can observe this law when riding in a car; for example, if the brakes are suddenly applied, passengers in a car keep moving and are thrown forward.

The consequences of Newton’s first law have far-reaching implications for our understanding of physics and engineering. For instance, it explains why planets orbit around stars and how rockets work – both rely on objects being propelled through space due to their initial momentum rather than any external force acting upon them.

It also helps us understand why airplanes fly: air resistance creates lift which counteracts gravity and the balanced forces allow the airplane to keep cruising in a straight line. Additionally, engineers use Newton’s first law when designing machines like cars or robots which must obey these laws in order to function properly.

The second law of motion

Newton’s second law of motion states that acceleration is proportional to the net force acting on an object, and can be expressed mathematically as F = ma (force equals mass times acceleration). This means that if you apply a certain amount of force to an object, its acceleration will depend on its mass – the more massive it is, the less it will accelerate. To illustrate this concept, consider pushing an empty shopping cart versus pushing a full one: even though both carts are being pushed with the same amount of force, the full cart has greater mass and therefore accelerates at a slower rate.


This law helps us understand how rockets work – by ejecting fuel outwards at high speeds they create the force thrust which accelerates the rocket and propels it forward against gravity. Engineers use Newton’s second law when designing machines like cars or robots to function properly – consider a sports car, which must be as light as possible for maximum acceleration.

The third law of motion

Newton’s third law of motion states that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. This means that when one object exerts a force on another object, the second object will also exert an equal but opposite force back onto the first. To illustrate this concept in practice, consider firing a gun: when the bullet is fired from the barrel of the gun it pushes against it with a certain amount of force due to its mass and velocity; as a result, the gun recoils backwards with an equal but opposite amount of force.


This same principle applies to many other everyday phenomena such as walking or running – each time your foot hits the ground you push off with enough force to propel yourself forward while simultaneously pushing against the ground with an equal and opposite reaction. Similarly, when you jump up into air you are pushing down on Earth’s surface which then pushes back up on you allowing you to reach greater heights than if gravity was not present. Fascinatingly enough, this simple law has been used for centuries to explain some of nature’s most complex phenomena!

Normal force

The third law of motion states that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.

This same principle applies to normal forces, which are forces exerted by two objects in contact with each other due to their mutual interaction. Normal forces arise from Newton’s third law of motion; they act perpendicular (at right angles) to surfaces in contact and oppose any external force applied between them.

For example, if you press down on a table top then the table will push up against your hand with an equal but opposite normal force – this is why we don’t fall through tables! Similarly, when two cars collide head-on at high speed both vehicles experience a large normal force – this helps explain why car crashes can cause so much damage even at relatively low speeds.

Normal forces play an important role in many aspects of physics including mechanics and engineering design; understanding how these forces work allows us to build safer structures like bridges and buildings that can withstand large amounts of stress without collapsing under their own weight or external loads.


Friction is a force that opposes the motion of two objects in contact with each other. It arises from the microscopic irregularities on the surfaces of both objects, which interact and cause resistance to their relative motion. There are two types of friction: static and kinetic.

Static friction occurs when an object is at rest; it acts to oppose any external force applied to move it, up until a certain threshold point known as the limiting friction or coefficient of static friction. Kinetic friction occurs when an object is already moving; this type of friction acts against its direction of motion and reduces its speed over time until it eventually comes to rest.

The magnitude (or strength) of these frictional forces depends on several factors such as surface area, material composition, normal force between them, and velocity – for example, increasing surface area increases frictional forces while decreasing velocity decreases them.

Friction plays an important role in many aspects of physics including mechanics and engineering design; understanding how these forces work allows us to build machines like cars that can accelerate quickly without slipping off roads or tracks due to excessive wheel spin caused by too much kinetic friction!


Tension is a force that acts along the length of an object, such as a rope or cable. Tension arises from stretching forces applied to an object and can cause it to elongate or contract depending on the direction and magnitude of the force. In physics, tension plays an important role in understanding how objects move. For example, when a team of huskies pulls a sleigh across snow-covered terrain they exert tension on the sled’s harnesses which causes it to accelerate forward due to Newton’s second law (F = ma).

Tension also has implications for engineering design. Engineers must consider factors such as material strength and elasticity when designing structures like bridges or suspension systems that rely on tension forces for stability. For instance, if too much weight is placed onto one side of a bridge then this could cause excessive strain on certain parts leading them to break under their own weight. Similarly, cars with faulty suspension systems may experience uneven tire wear due to unequal distribution of load between tires caused by inadequate tensioning forces. Understanding these principles allows us to build safer machines and structures that can withstand external loads without breaking apart.

Applications of Newton's laws

Newton’s laws of motion are fundamental to the study of physics and have a wide range of applications in everyday life. In mechanics, Newton’s second law (F = ma) is used to calculate forces acting on objects such as cars or airplanes, allowing engineers to design vehicles that can safely reach their destination. In sports, athletes use Newton’s third law (action-reaction) when throwing a ball or swinging a bat; the force exerted by the athlete is equal and opposite to the force exerted by the ball or bat upon them. And Newton’s laws are applied throughout medicine, particularly in the field of biomechanics which investigates how forces effect the bones, tendons and ligaments in our bodies.


In addition, understanding how these laws work allows us to develop new technologies such as robots which rely on precise calculations for movement and navigation. For example, NASA’s Curiosity rover uses its onboard computer system powered by algorithms based on Newton’s laws of motion in order to traverse Mars’ terrain autonomously! Without our knowledge of these basic physical principles we would not be able to make advances in technology nor understand many aspects of our world today.

Newton’s law of universal gravitation

Newton’s law of universal gravitation states that every object in the universe attracts every other object with a force proportional to their masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them. This means that objects with greater mass will exert a stronger gravitational pull than those with less mass, regardless of their size or shape. For example, Earth has much more mass than its moon, so it exerts a much stronger gravitational pull on it.


This law explains why objects fall towards each other when released from rest; they are attracted by gravity. It also explains why planets orbit around stars and why galaxies form clusters – all due to the attractive forces between them. Furthermore, this law helps us understand how weight is related to an object’s mass: an object’s weight is determined by its mass multiplied by the acceleration due to gravity at any given location (9.8 m/s2 on Earth). Therefore, if you take two identical objects but place one on Earth and one on Mars (where g = 3.7 m/s2), then they would have different weights even though they have equal masses!

Elastic and inelastic collisions

Elastic collisions are those in which the kinetic energy of the objects involved is conserved. This means that, after the collision, both objects will have the same total amount of kinetic energy as before. In contrast, inelastic collisions involve a loss of energy due to some form of deformation or friction between the two objects.


You can see a near-elastic collision at play in a Newton’s cradle – when one ball at one end is pulled back and released, it collides with another ball on the other side and transfers its momentum to it with only a small loss in kinetic energy. This motion is then passed along to swing the ball at the other end of the row – and so on.

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