Waves and Sound

How waves transmit energy across space.

Transverse and longitudinal
It increases it
Decibels (dB)
The Doppler effect
It affects the timbre and loudness of different notes.
20 kHz

What are waves

Waves are a fundamental concept in physics, and can be defined as the transfer of energy through a medium without any net movement of matter. Waves come in many forms, such as sound waves, light waves, and water waves. Sound is an example of a mechanical wave that requires a medium to travel through; it is created by vibrating objects which cause air molecules to vibrate back and forth creating pressure variations that propagate outward from the source.


Light on the other hand is an electromagnetic wave that does not require a medium for propagation; it travels at about 300 million meters per second in vacuum! Water waves are also mechanical waves caused by disturbances on the surface of water bodies like oceans or ponds. These ripples spread outwards from their point of origin as the energy from the disturbance moves through the water – this phenomenon has been observed since ancient times with Aristotle noting how circular ripples form when stones were thrown into still pools.

Types of waves

Waves come in two main types: transverse and longitudinal. Transverse waves are characterized by particles that move perpendicular to the direction of wave travel, while longitudinal waves have particles that move parallel to the direction of wave travel. Examples of transverse waves include light, water ripples, and seismic S-waves; examples of longitudinal waves include sound and seismic P-waves.


Mechanical waves require a medium for transmission such as air or water, whereas electromagnetic waves do not need a medium for transmission – they can travel through vacuum! This is why we can see stars millions of light years away despite there being no physical connection between us and them.

Mechanical waves transfer energy from one point to another via particle movement within the medium itself, while electromagnetic radiation transfers energy through electric and magnetic fields which oscillate at right angles to each other as well as in the direction of wave propagation.

Properties of waves

The properties of waves are used to characterise them and describe their behaviour. The highest point a wave reaches is called its crest and the low point of the cycle is called a trough. Amplitude is the maximum displacement from equilibrium, or the height of a wave crest above its resting position. Wavelength is the distance between two successive crests or troughs, while frequency is the number of complete cycles per unit time – usually measured in Hertz (Hz). Wave speed is determined by multiplying wavelength by frequency; it describes how quickly a wave moves through space and can be expressed as meters per second (m/s).


The properties of waves are related to one another. Higher amplitude waves have greater energy and higher frequencies correspond to shorter wavelengths. For example, sound travels at 343 m/s in air regardless of its frequency but lower-frequency sounds will have longer wavelengths than higher-frequency sounds.

Wave behavior

Waves exhibit a variety of characteristic behaviors, including refraction, reflection, interference and diffraction. Refraction is the bending of waves when they pass from one medium to another. For example, light bends when it passes through water or glass. Reflection occurs when a wave bounces off an obstacle and returns in the opposite direction; this can be seen in the reflection of light by a mirror. Interference is the combination of two or more waves that results in either constructive interference (amplification) or destructive interference (cancellation). Diffraction is the spreading out of waves around obstacles; this can be observed at sea where waves bend around islands and other objects.


These behaviors can all interact with each other: refracted rays will interfere with reflected ones, while diffracted rays may constructively interfere with each other if their wavelengths match up correctly. For instance, if you observe ocean swells near a rocky shoreline you’ll see how these different effects combine together – some swells will be bent by refraction as they approach land while others will bounce back due to reflection before being spread out by diffraction into smaller ripples which then interact with each other via interference!

Sound waves


Sound waves are longitudinal waves that travel through a medium, such as air or water. They are created by the vibrations of objects and usually travel outward in all directions from the source. The amplitude of sound waves determines how loud they will be perceived; higher amplitudes create louder sounds while lower amplitudes create softer ones. Frequency is also important: low frequencies produce deep bass tones while high frequencies produce shrill treble notes.

The speed of sound varies depending on the material it travels through; for example, sound moves faster in solids than liquids and gases due to their differing levels of stiffness. In dry air at sea level, sound travels at approximately 343 meters per second (1125 feet/second).

This means that if you shout across a canyon 1 kilometer wide (0.62 miles), your voice would take about 3 seconds to reach the other side. Sound can also travel through walls and other solid materials because its energy is transferred via vibrations between particles within them – this phenomenon is known as ‘structure-borne’ transmission and explains why footsteps coming from floors above us can sound so loud.

The speed of sound

The speed of sound is the rate at which a sound wave propagates through a medium, and it varies depending on the properties of that medium. In dry air at sea level, sound travels at approximately 343 meters per second (1125 feet/second).

This speed can be affected by several factors such as temperature, humidity, and pressure. The inertial properties of a medium determine how quickly it responds to changes in pressure; for example, solids are more rigid than liquids or gases so they tend to have higher speeds of sound. Elasticity also plays an important role: materials with greater elasticity will absorb energy from waves more easily and thus reduce their speed.


Higher temperatures tend to increase the speed of sound – as temperatures increase, the molecules in air move faster and collide more often resulting in faster propagation speeds. Similarly, high levels of humidity decrease the density of air, which allows sound waves to travel faster.These effects are unlikely to be significant in everyday life but they can make all the difference when recording audio accurately or measuring distances using sonar technology!

Intensity and decibels

Sound intensity is the amount of power carried by a sound wave per a unit of area. It is often measured in decibels (dB). The human ear can detect sounds ranging from 0 dB to 130dB.

For comparison, breathing is typically 10 dB, a whisper is around 30-40 dB, normal conversation ranges from 60-70 dB, while a rock concert or nightclub can reach up to 120 dB. A gunshot registers at approximately 140 dB – loud enough to cause permanent hearing damage. Sounds above 130 dB exceed the ‘pain threshold’ and are painful to hear.


Decibel levels are logarithmic rather than linear. This means that an increase of 10 decibels represents a tenfold increase in sound intensity. For example, 40dB would be perceived as twice as loud as 30dB and 100dB would be perceived as four times louder than 80dB.

This makes it easier for us to compare a wide range of different sounds on the same scale. It also helps us understand why prolonged exposure above certain levels of decibels can lead to hearing loss: even small increases in the level of decibels can have drastic effects on our ears!

Doppler effect


The Doppler effect is a phenomenon that occurs when waves, such as sound or light, are emitted from a source that is moving relative to an observer. As the source moves closer to an observer, the frequency of the wave increases; conversely, as it moves away from them, the frequency decreases.

This principle applies to sound waves and the change in frequency can be heard as a shift in pitch. As an object such as an ambulance approaches us at high speed, we hear its siren with increased pitch due to the Doppler effect. Similarly, when it passes us and continues on its way into the distance, we hear its siren with decreased pitch. The magnitude of this shift depends on both how fast the object is travelling relative to us and how quickly our ears can detect changes in frequency

Interestingly enough, this same concept also applies to electromagnetic waves beyond Earth’s atmosphere: stars emit light waves which experience similar shifts depending on their motion relative to observers here on Earth. Astronomers use these shifts in wavelength known as redshifts or blueshifts respectively to observe the movement of distant objects in space.


Resonance is an important concept in the study of sound waves. It occurs when a vibrating object causes another object or system to vibrate at the same frequency. This phenomenon amplifies and reinforces certain frequencies, resulting in louder sounds with greater clarity and depth.


Resonance is harnessed by many musical instruments in producing their characteristic sounds. For example, blowing into the mouthpiece of a brass instrument such as a trumpet results in resonance and produces vibrations in a column of air contained within the instrument’s metal tube.

A loud and hopefully pleasant sound is produced. Similarly, blowing into the reed on a woodwind instrument like a flute creates resonance vibrations in an air column and a corresponding musical sound.

The resonance of musical instruments plays an important role in their unique timbre – that is, their characteristic tone quality. Resonance also affects how loud different notes are played on each instrument: some notes will be naturally louder than others due to resonant properties within the instrument’s design!

Ultrasonic waves

Ultrasonic waves are sound waves with frequencies higher than the upper limit of human hearing, which is typically around 20 kHz for healthy young humans. These high-frequency sound waves have a wide range of applications in both medical and industrial settings.

In medicine, ultrasonic imaging is used to create detailed images of organs and tissues inside the body without using radiation or invasive procedures. Ultrasound can also be used to detect blood flow abnormalities, measure fetal heart rate during pregnancy, and even break up kidney stones. In industry, ultrasonic cleaning uses high frequency sound waves to remove dirt from delicate parts that would otherwise be difficult or impossible to clean manually. It has been found to be more effective than traditional methods such as scrubbing or chemical solvents.

Ultrasonics can also be used for non-destructive testing (NDT) – a process where materials are tested for flaws without damaging them in any way. This technique is commonly employed in aerospace engineering and automotive manufacturing industries where safety is paramount; it allows engineers to identify potential problems before they become serious issues down the line!

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